Slim Framework Version 1.6.3

I’ve just released Slim Framework 1.6.3. This minor release is recommended for everyone and includes the following changes:

  • Fix potential view data and view variable naming collisions
  • Let Slim_Router use internal iteration
  • Let Slim_Router expose current route with getCurrentRoute() method
  • Let Slim applyHook() method pass argument(s) to each registered callback
  • Let Slim_Http_Request parse request body only if body is a string and URL-encoded
  • Fix cookie parsing when multiple cookies exist with same name and signature
  • Fix Slim_Middleware_SessionCookie file locking for high-traffic Slim applications
  • Rename Slim_LogFileWriter class to Slim_LogWriter
  • Add optional log file writer (rotated daily, weekly, or yearly) to Slim-Extras